If you control the celebrities, then you also control all of the sheep in the general population that follow them, and hey it would make Miley Cyrus and her behavior make a lot more sense, right? She isn't that big of an idiot, after all, the government is controlling her mind! It all makes sense now. After all, if you were trying to run a secret government mind control operation, would you tell anyone about it? When you think about it, that would make you pretty bad at your job, now wouldn't it?Īnd who would be the best people to use as mind control subjects if you were the CIA? Well, celebrities of course. A lot of people think that the CIA is still working on mind control and that MKUltra still exists. They often used unwitting Americans as their test subjects. The CIA started this program in the early 1950s and it continued until 1973, although many say that it is still in operation today. The purpose of these experiments was to develop drugs and procedures that could control the mind of an unwitting subject, and when you think about it, how cool would that be? OK, maybe not in real life when a government agency is doing it to you but still. Project MKUltra was, and some might say still is, a CIA mind control program that consisted of experiments on human subjects.